Hey peops,
how is it goin? It seems I did a small mistake last week, the complete introduction was missing. The post started with a picture of saskia ? I mean not to bad, but doesnt make any sense. The refubished post is available – here! ?
Check it. I appreciate the love from last week. I posted 3 days laters and got a few text messages that you were missing the blog. That means a lot to me. I spend a bit of time for that kind of posting, pictures and content I am about to drop every week.
But hey. I just wanna say : THANK YOU!
My week was really busy. To be honest I worked a lot. (This sentence returns a lot I know ?) And in the afternoon I spent almost my complete time with saskia to help prepare her trip. She left yesterday. Before she left for her adventure we went to a special place to grab breakfast.
BERLIN CAFE in Christchurch. That was so weird. Not because of the germans. We are everywhere ? What I mean is – see all the products like Pfanni, Knorr, Maoam, Milka Schkolade etc. – Richtig geil!
First choice around 9 am : Erstmal ne Currywurst gezogen ?. (order Curry wurst) Berlin style.
And of course with kaba. ? What a mix ?. After we picked up breaki. We went to my place and we got her car ready and there she went. She is gone for now…
I’m so happy. Of course not because she left. Because I met her.
I was thinking about that. I mean I talked in other blogs about that, but I get hit by that all the time! I would never know this person back home. I would miss out this awesome personality in Germany. Why? Because she doesn’t do the things I used to do back home.
For example where should I meet her? Like I love to hang with friends and read books. She loves to do a lot of differnt kind of sports and her music taste is complete different to mine. Even If you talk to her on the street or at a party. Would you hang out? It might happen that there is a tiny connection sometimes. But I have to say. Something like this didnt happen to me in Germany. Only in Australia and NZ, yet.
I know I’m telling you that often, but I beg you. Think about traveling by your own. You dont have to go to the other side of the world. Another option is – do things you are not usually do. In that way you cant miss out these people.
May its not forever ,but otherwise may you find a new hobby or a new purpose while talking. Whatever humans are awesome. Always have a second look.
And also:
By the way… can u climb mountains with 65? Why dont do it when you are ready to go? ?
Its the second time that I am overseas. What can I say? I’m proud of me and super excited whats about to come.
And again I am super happy that you are a part of my adventure. Also If you wanna join me during the trip, just hit me up and we can figure something out. Two people are already in! I mean why not..?! Money? If money is the only problem you have, you are a lucky person! There are bigger problems in the world. You and your family is healthy, thats important and awesome! You are able to take your own desicions. Why not take a desicion to see the world?
My Car is getting in shape. Every week there is something to do. Hopefully I can do my bed next weekend. I wanna change it into my plans from my head. ?I wanna put it on runners. To have a table during the day and a bed during the night. Will be tricky. But thats fun. DO IT YOURSELF. Get more skills in lots of different fields. ?
Come around the corner also next week to see, what I have seen ?.
There is something upcoming ?.
Lyrik of the week: “ MAKE IT COUNT! „
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